Reader View provides the best reading experience with changing font typeface, font size, interface colors (light/dark) based on your user preferences.
This page will help you to work with template. Possibly, we tried to be descriptive to learn about template’s structure and features.
If you have any problem or concern about the product, please don’t hesitate to contact with us. We will help you with satisfaction. Need support →
Please, before asking for help, make sure you are using the last template´s version.
It is really easy to install the readerView plugin.
You can integrate it with your blog easily without changing any settings. Only step to run it is activating the plugin. Apart from the content you want to read, anything else is away from you.
Option to pick themes that consist with daylight and night.
If you need any help. Feel free to contact me anytime. I will reply in 24 hours.
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